Tag Archives: Speak out with your Geek out

So…Star Wars

I love these movies. And books.  Comics, soundtracks, tshirts, posters, toys, and so on and so forth. Yeah, talk about over-saturation. Despite loving them, I *will not* be buying the new blu ray set.  If someone wants to get it … Continue reading

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WooHoo Who!

Two years ago, I didn’t much care what, or who, Doctor Who was.  Some guy who travels in time in a blue box and wore a scarf.  Aside from hearing the theme a couple times and being told it was … Continue reading

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Yay! Books!

We, or rather Rob’s mom, finished repainting the living room today.  I’ve been waiting for this to be done because it means I can clean my writing room. Why’s that? Those stacks of books on the sofa? Yeah, That keeps … Continue reading

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Growing up Geek

I can’t think of a time I wasn’t a geek. I’d say it all goes back to third grade.  That’s when everything geeky gelled for me, and there was no looking back. I’d already become an overachiever at school–straight As, … Continue reading

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Proud to be a Geek

I’m a geek. I met my husband online. We knew each other for about ten years before we met in person. Our common interests are almost all geeky–Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, computers and games.  He got me into … Continue reading

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