Tag Archives: life

Finally, something concrete

I’ve spent the last several years trying to lose weight. I’ve exercised, changed portion sizes, counted calories, cut out processed carbs. My doctor checked my thyroid and blood sugar. I could lose five pounds, or maybe ten. I lost the … Continue reading

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Looking Back and Moving Forward

I had a lot of ups and downs last year. Some pretty major ones, too. Rob and I went to a few more conventions–smaller, regional cons–and Myke Cole introduced us to quite a few people–his agent, other authors, some SFWA … Continue reading

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Rob and I went to NYCC the past weekend.  The picture there?—> That’s us with Peter S. Beagle. He wrote The Last Unicorn.   I also got to meet Tess Gerritsen–Grandpa helped her when she wrote Gravity. It’s the small … Continue reading

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Another update sorta thingie

I haven’t done much since I finished the draft of my story. Mostly reading, very little writing. I was pretty much a lump. I’ve changed that in the past couple weeks–slowly started in on revisions-very slowly-and I bought a new … Continue reading

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