Tag Archives: Movies

John Carter

Rob and I saw John Carter this afternoon.  Rob’s read the books; I haven’t.  I’m glad we had the chance to see it before the theaters stopped showing it.  We did see it in 3D–all the early showings, at least … Continue reading

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Geek happy

I’m a happy geek today.  Rob and I went to see Phantom Menace 3D. If I hadn’t gotten to see it, I would’ve been pretty unhappy.  I mean, really, it’s Star Wars.  In a theater.  And I don’t give a … Continue reading

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So…Star Wars

I love these movies. And books.  Comics, soundtracks, tshirts, posters, toys, and so on and so forth. Yeah, talk about over-saturation. Despite loving them, I *will not* be buying the new blu ray set.  If someone wants to get it … Continue reading

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