Tag Archives: WorldCon

WorldCon–an overview

I think I’m back to relative-normal, or what passes for normal for me. So I’m going to try to hit some of the high points, or more memorable things, from WorldCon. LoneStarCon 3. Whatever you want to call it. I … Continue reading

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WorldCon–some initial thoughts

There are lots of conversations on Twitter about how WorldCon is aging and not inclusive enough.  I have a few thoughts on that I want to get out before I forget–I do have other thoughts to write up, about the … Continue reading

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Rob and I are back from Texas. I’m knackered. I’ve been drifting in and out of sleep all day–slept almost the entire plane ride–and I’m not even quite sure what day today is. But the weekend was fantastic in so … Continue reading

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Travel anxiety

Rob and I leave tomorrow evening for WorldCon–or locally named LoneStarCon–and we’ve got most of the packing done. I’ll be glad once we’re in San Antonio. In the past several years, I’ve gotten to be anxious about flying.  Something about … Continue reading

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