Tag Archives: Exercise

And the (weight related) problems add up

1. At one GP followup last year, my blood pressure was slightly high, so she ordered an ECG to check my heart, even though she was pretty sure it was most likely weight-related. The results of the test showed a … Continue reading

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Weighty problems

Sometime, maybe around 3rd grade, I was with my mom at the mall, and she ran into someone she new–a cousin, a coworker, a friend, I don’t remember that much–and I recall overhearing that person saying that I was a … Continue reading

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Looking Back and Moving Forward

I had a lot of ups and downs last year. Some pretty major ones, too. Rob and I went to a few more conventions–smaller, regional cons–and Myke Cole introduced us to quite a few people–his agent, other authors, some SFWA … Continue reading

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Writing and Exercise

I’ve recently come to the conclusion that writing is quite like exercise.  Obviously not when it comes to the physical side of things, but what’s required mentally. Both require a big commitment of  time. And both end up with people … Continue reading

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Rob goes back to work Monday.  So far, he’s regained pretty much all his sight, though, like with the cataract surgery, he’ll be recovering for months.  Or closer to a year.  But now he won’t be restricted and stir crazy … Continue reading

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