Monthly Archives: August 2010


Okay, so I’m exercising because the doctor says I need to lose weight.  And cause I know I need to lose weight.  Been exercising for just under two years.  Well, except for the 3 or 4 month period where I … Continue reading

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I decided on a reward for hitting a word count.  Figured out a rough estimate of what that would be to hit the goal I set myself.  Around 2000 words a day.  Crap.  It’s doable; I’ve managed that before.  But … Continue reading

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Stuff and things

Been sorta busy-ish.  Found two venues for the wedding which I’m thinking are good places.  Visited one while visiting Alaska last year, supposed to be getting pictures of the other.  At some point I should see how the flowers look … Continue reading

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A bit of a sad…

Rob bought me a pair of earrings when we went to Alaska last year. Silver stars with a piece of hematite set on the edge, with that being surrounded by probably cubic zirconia. Well, the hematite bits had previously fallen … Continue reading

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New project

At work I’ve been told that I’m going to be working on some kinda new project.  Got an email about it today, and even though I read through it, I’m not exactly sure what it is.  I just know that … Continue reading

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