Monthly Archives: October 2010


A warning–pardon my language for a moment.  Holy fucking hell.  I think I’ve finished my rough draft.  Yeah, I say think.  Mainly because if I were to put my pen to paper, I could easily keep going.  But that, I … Continue reading

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Yay! Words

Been getting back into the routine I’d had of writing.  It’s reminded me why I love it.  I want to finish the story so that I can find out what happens.  Yeah, I know sorta because I’ve got a bit … Continue reading

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Well, I’d been writing quite a bit, but stopped to clean up my writing room.  Didn’t want to, but it so needed to be done.  Now, it’s taking me a bit to get back into the story.  Don’t like when … Continue reading

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Just real quick, cause my mind’s still a bit loopy, but New York Comic Con was pretty cool.  Aside from the crushing crowd on Saturday, and the issues with finding taxis.  Loved Two Towers at Radio City, really wanna see … Continue reading

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Been working on my website. Hoping I’ve gotten it to some sorta working order that won’t need much more tweaking now. Also, got into the last stretch of scenes in the WiP. These should be the quickest to write–they’ve been … Continue reading

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