Tag Archives: Writing

Draft done!

At just over 80,000 words, my novel draft is done.  And almost a full month before the deadline I gave myself and told Rob.  I told him I’d be seeing Star Wars, and I was so certain, I bought the tickets … Continue reading

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Deadlines are not something that so far have worked well for me–with my writing that is, I always hit deadlines for the day job, even if it means bringing work home and getting it done in the evenings.  I’ve given … Continue reading

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Impostor Syndrome

I’ve not been doing well with keeping up with either writing or revising the past couple  weeks, more so than usual.  This isn’t because I’m not wanting to; I’m quite happy with where the novel is going, and I really … Continue reading

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Stickers and Words

Previously, I wrote a post about finding a process that worked for getting me writing every day. And it did work, for a while. Until I finished a draft. And until life happened, but that’s inevitable.  I still use my … Continue reading

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About that submission

While it might look like I’m sitting at my desk, staring out the window at the snow, I’m actually working.  I’m going that writing in my head thing that I do all the time.  I don’t know if it’s something … Continue reading

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