Tag Archives: conventions

Impostor Syndrome

I’ve not been doing well with keeping up with either writing or revising the past couple  weeks, more so than usual.  This isn’t because I’m not wanting to; I’m quite happy with where the novel is going, and I really … Continue reading

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World Fantasy

I’ve finally been to my first World Fantasy Con.  It’s a small pro con–small because there’s an attendance cap–and I’ve been wanting to attend almost since I first learned about it.  This year’s was in DC, so it was something … Continue reading

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London Trip Part 2: LonCon 3

This is up pretty late, but I got distracted. LonCon 3 was my second WorldCon–the first was LoneStarCon 3 in San Antonio last year–and I had a fantastic time. Good stuff: –Seeing Lisa again and getting to introduce her to … Continue reading

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London Trip Part 1: Sightseeing

For my first wedding anniversary, Rob took me to Maine, and he pulled together the most fantastic present for me–the Box of Awesome. For our second anniversary, we celebrated Mom’s birthday. For our third anniversary, we went to Iceland and … Continue reading

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Boskone 49

Rob and I spent the weekend in Boston at the Westin Waterfront for Boskone.  Small convention, though my experience is tiny, small, and OMG huge.  The guest of honor was John Scalzi, and the artist guest of honor was Daniel … Continue reading

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