Well, I’d been writing quite a bit, but stopped to clean up my writing room. Didn’t want to, but it so needed to be done. Now, it’s taking me a bit to get back into the story. Don’t like when that happens, but at least it’s a pretty rare thing.
I’d thought about describing NYCC, but that seems like too much work. And really, unless I wrote a story set there(ohh…idea), it would take away too much from actual writing time. So, instead, I’ll post my pictures. I don’t have too many pics from the actual con; I didn’t feel like pulling out my camera that much, especially not with the huge press of people on Saturday. And at the concert, I was enjoying the movie and music. Plus I had my Canon point and shoot. Different story if I’d had my Nikon. One of the best parts, I got my Kindle signed by Anton Strout, Tom Sniegoski, Chris Ramsay, Seanan McGuire, Brandon Sanderson, and Jim Butcher.
Yeah, I better get back to writing before my mind goes completely off track.